When you create a new free trial account, iMemorized needs to verify your e-mail address before you're able to begin using it. A message will be automatically sent to the e-mail address you provided for your username. Please open that e-mail and click on the link contained in the message to finish activating your account.
If you do not receive the e-mail from us, please check your spam folder. You can also try creating the free trial account again if you believe you may have entered your e-mail address incorrectly the first time.
Verify Your E-mail
If you sign in to the web portal before verifying your email address you'll encounter a 'Verify Your Email' page where you can click a button to resend the verification message.
The e-mail verification message you receive should look similar to the one below.
Once you've clicked on the account activation link, you should be redirected to the iMemorized log in page with a message of success. Please sign in to continue.